No matter what kind of home you have in mind, PML Builders has the expertise you need to deliver an incredible custom home that meets all your criteria.
View photos of the following projects to see just what we can do for you: Classical Chinese Garden: Spartanburg, Cliffs at Mountain Park Project, Kitchen Design Project, Cliffs Falls North, Spec House Glassy Mountain, Palm Beach Project, Big Sheep Cliff Mountain, Carolina Country Club (Spartanburg, SC), Nature’s Watch Timber Frame (Travelers Rest, SC), and fireplace design.
When you need a custom home or landscape that isn't just sturdy and reliable, but beautiful and personalized as well, PML Builders delivers. You'll always get a custom home that fulfills all of your requirements.
To best understand the huge range of expertise we can offer your project, view images of our homes below. See something you like or feel inspired? Give us a call to discuss your ideas.